Saturday, May 9, 2020

10 strategic questions to ask to improve your executive resume - Margaret Buj - Interview Coach

10 strategic questions to ask to improve your executive resume 10 strategic questions to ask to improve your executive resume A successful job search still always start with a successful resume. When you know that your are the right fit for the job, make sure that your executive resume living up to the expectations of your target companies. Always keep in mind that your professional resume is a career marketing document that should tell an exciting, compelling and concise story about your career and related achievements. The selling and self-promotion starts from the executive resume and continues through out the networking, interviewing and negotiation process. BAD NEWS: If your current resume is heavy on job task and duty descriptions and light on the “wow” factor, you may be putting employers and recruiters to sleep.??In order to position yourself as the ideal candidate for your target positions, be sure to tell the full story about your leadership abilities, qualifications and areas of expertise. Remember that you are telling a story â€" your professional resume should cover the WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN and WHY of your career journey. GOOD NEWS: When you are ready to get started on your resume, consider these questions first: 1.What can you offer employers that would be an asset to them? 2.Why should employers consider you over others applying for the same jobs? 3.What are your five primary attributes that would help you in your profession? 4.Have you received any special awards or special recognition for outstanding  performance in any area? 5.Why were you hired, recruited or promoted for each of the positions you held? 6.Was there a specific challenge, business problem or market issue that you  needed to address? 7.What are your top three accomplishments for each position? 8.How did your company benefit from having you as an employee? 9.What recommendations or solutions did you make that your company adopted? 10. What were the biggest business hurdles/challenges you overcame at each position? Make sure that your executive resume is strategic, not just pretty. Ask yourself these questions: Are you launching an executive job search for first time in many years? Are you puzzled about whether executive recruiters, online job boards, personal contacts or LinkedIn is the best strategy for you? Are you still marketing that write-it-yourself executive resume that is getting no results? Has the personal branding buzz gone over your heard because you still dont know your value proposition? If you have answered yes to any of these questions, take real action today and schedule your complimentary strategy session with me. I help senior-level executives who struggle with self-marketing to increase their brand reputation, become sought after leaders so that they can earn the salaries they deserve and achieve their dream careers.

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